Wednesday, October 27, 2010

My FIRST blog!!

Ok, I am going to try this again.

Hello there!  This is my very first blog.  I am going to use it to just tell my daily life.  I am starting a lifestyle change that is going to make a HUGE difference for my life.  My family and I are going to start eating healthy and getting active. 
I currently weigh 321 pounds.  I don't want to DIET...they never work.  I am going to change the foods I buy and cook and use portion control.  Hopefully I will learn how to do this the right way and I will leave you any insights I get.

Shopping today...
bought lots of vegetables and whole grain pasta, sugar free drinks.  I bought some meal replacement bars and a protein shake.

I don't know what I am doing but I am going to learn.  I would love for you to follow my journey.